GET UP! stands for Gamification as an Educational Tool for Upper schools in Parks and environment. It is an Erasmus+ project, presented on the KA226 call for Partnerships for Digital and Education Readiness. This call was presented to find possible solutions to the COVID crisis in the education environment, as it made visible the lack of digital resources that schools have available.
The project number is 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096057. You can find more information of the project in the official platform of the Erasmus+ Project Results.

The current COVID-19 crisis has greatly accelerated the need for modernisation and digital transformation of education and training systems across Europe. Reinforce the ability of education and training institutions to provide high quality, inclusive digital education has become a fundamental need.
On the other hand, environmental protection is one of the biggest challenges of our time and there exists a clear interest and willingness among countries to engage in the development of tools and strategies throughout Europe.
It is common knowledge among environmental experts, teachers and practitioners that environmental education activities are still very difficult to be extended to upper secondary school. The main reason is that older students need a different style of communication, more adherent to their personal interests and based on a stronger use of new media and social networks.
Nature Park is an area where relevant economic activities such as agriculture, tourism, timbering and fishing take place in locations with great environmental sensitiveness, whose management requires the search for a continuous balancing and a dynamic equilibrium between human activities and conservation of biodiversity, a day-by-day application of the sustainability notion.
The focus of the project will be connected with the priorities of the Erasmus+ on building capacity to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning; to develop digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality inclusive digital education; and to develop and/or use high quality digital content. The partnerships will promote networking of institutions across the EU, sharing of resources and expertise, and collaboration with digital technology providers and experts and relevant pedagogical practice, to develop tailor made solutions adapted to local challenges and realities.
GET UP! increases expertise and awareness on environmental issues in upper secondary school students, who are next to become full citizens and to enter the job market, stimulating their interest with the language and the modalities of new media.
As a matter of fact, GET UP! intends to enhance the knowledge of problems and questions related to nature conservation and, consequently, to environmental local and global challenges by students. In addition, the project gives first notions and skills in problem solving, in ICT and digital culture.
Under this situation, GET UP! establishes 3 main objectives:
Innovative and digital gamification as an educational tool for upper schools on Parks and environment.
Promotion of biodiversity protection and natural parks as relevant social and educational value of European cultural heritage, with strong connections to job creation and economic growth.
Strengthening the profile of the teaching professions with new skills and knowledge in Digital tools and gamification.